Monday, 20 February 2023

Vsol GPON OLT configuration steps

Vsol GPON OLT configuration steps

Today i will share how to configure a vsol GPON OLT using CLI and Web. You will find many resource to configure a olt but i will share with you some hidden tips. Please read full description carefully. and if have any risky command or risky task run/do at your own risk. 

Firstly we have to follow some step. take this steps as a sumary. We will configure these.

OLT configuration Steps>>>>>>>>>                                                                                         
  • 1. Set Hostname
  • 2. Add mgmt ip to mgmt vlan
  • 3. Add IP route or default Gateway
  • 4. Create vlan
  • 5. Set Uplink and downlink port Vlan mode and descriptions and enable
  • 6. Allowed vlan to uplink and Donwlink port
  • 7. Profile Creation DBA, Line/Stream, Service, Traffic
  • 8. Onu auto-learn disable/enable
  • 8. Loop Detect Enable
  • 9. Config Auto-Save
  • 10. Set NTP
  • 11. Check Firmware virsion and update
  • 12. Create user and change default password

At first we need to connect olt aux to Laptop using a ethernet cable. You can use console port if you have console cable and usb to serial converter. In my case i dont have console cable right now, that's why i am using aux port. If you are using console you can use putty or teraterm to login olt and skip bellow lines.

The default ip address of Vsol OLT is I have to add a ip address within this range in my Ethernet adapter so a p2p connection can establish between OLT and my laptop/PC.

After setting IP i have to check the connectivity by ping if reply success then the connection is established. 

By Default in Vsol OLT telnet protocol is configured as Deny from  destination network. That's why we can't access olt via telnet. We have to permit telnet from destination ip address. 

Open browser and hit the ip address in search bar. eg: And a login page will show. Login here using default user name and password. The default user name and password is : 

Username: admin
Password: Xpon@Olt9417#

>>Creating vlan

gpon-olt# configure terminal
gpon-olt(config)# vlan 2 – 4000


>>Configure up link port G1

gpon-olt(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/1
gpon-olt(config-if-ge0/1)#switchport mode hybrid
gpon-olt(config-if-ge0/1)#switchport hybrid vlan 2026 – 2029 tagged

>>Assign ip address to management vlan

At first we have to create management vlan, here we use management vlan as 100
gpon-olt# configure terminal
gpon-olt(config)# vlan 100
gpon-olt(config)# interface vlan 100
gpon-olt(interface-vlan-100)# ip address
gpon-olt(interface-vlan-100)# exit
gpon-olt(config)# ip route

>> Creating ONU Profile

In this step, we will create a profile for ONU

gpon-olt(config)#profile onu id 2 name D401
gpon-olt(profile-onu:10)# port-num eth 4
gpon-olt(profile-onu:10)# commit
gpon-olt(profile-onu:10)# exit

>> Creating DBA Profile

DBA means Dynamic bandwidth allocation. This step we will create a DBA profile for ONU bandwidth. Every GPON OLT like Huawei, DBC GPON OLT must to create DBA profile

gpon-olt(config)# profile dba id 511 name 1GE
gpon-olt(profile-dba:2)# type 3 assure 1024 maximum 1024000
gpon-olt(profile-dba:2)# commit
gpon-olt(profile-dba:2)# exit

>> Creating Service Profile

In this step, we will create a service profile

gpon-olt(config)# show profile srv
Upper command to see srv profile, Let’s create srv profile below
gpon-olt(config)# profile srv id 100 name VLAN100
gpon-olt(profile-srv:100)# portvlan eth 1 mode tag vlan 100
gpon-olt(profile-srv:100)# commit
gpon-olt(profile-srv:100)# exit

>> Creating Line Profile

In this step we will create a line profile and create tcont and add tcont with dba profile.

gpon-olt(config)# profile line id 100 name VLAN100
gpon-olt(profile-line:100)# tcont 1 name 1 dba 1GE
gpon-olt(profile-line:100)# gemport 1 tcont 1
gpon-olt(profile-line:100)# service 1 gemport 1 vlan 100
gpon-olt(profile-line:100)# service-port 1 gemport 1 uservlan 100 vlan 100
gpon-olt(profile-line:100)# commit
gpon-olt(profile-line:100)# exit

>> Bind Profile to PON Port

gpon-olt(config)# interface gpon 0/1

gpon-olt(config-pon-0/1)#onu auto-learn
gpon-olt(config-pon-0/1)# onu auto-learn srv-profile name VLAN100
gpon-olt(config-pon-0/1)# onu auto-learn line-profile name VLAN100



>>Creating username password

Login: admin

gpon-olt> enable
2020/01/01 01:18:07 User Login User admin logged in from on vty

It is recommended to change your default password for this device for security and
safety reasons.
gpon-olt# configure terminal
gpon-olt(config)# user add shaharul login-password Admin@123
Successfully added user shaharul as a NORMAL_USER ,
To change user role use “user role” command .
gpon-olt(config)# user role shaharul admin enable-password Admin@123
Successfully change user kamrul to ADMIN mode.

>>Disable/Enable web captcha verification

gpon-olt(config)# web verification-code disable | enable

>>Setup NTP server

gpon-olt(config)# ntp server enable

gpon-olt(config)# ntp server

Note: Please at first try to understand the logic then research the problem then solution will knock in the door. Every network is different so one solution will not work in all network. You will need to modify or create solutions. Never follow copy paste blindly. 

I am not expert or not certified so don't think my all the posting will 100% correct. I learn from my mistakes. I make mistakes like everybody.

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